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    2020-06-28 2848 返回列表







    多用such替換the ,a  例:Admittedly, such issue ,to some extent,has given rise to a bunch of familiar questions.

    1、 As a result of constant media attention , A(A指題目話題) , once largely ignored,has come to be seen as especially valuable/significant.

    2 、(The right of the media to do this )is rarely disputed, but (the way in which it does this )often comes under withering critism. (括號里可以換)

    3、 As our lives are saturated with the flood of (advertisements) ,no one can avoid being influenced by ads.(ads 錯的,不能用簡寫哦~)

    4 、(Bad traffic and increasing pollution) are thorny issues challenging every major city in the globe.(in the globe全世界)

    5、 The issue of A is a complex and sensitive one . What lies behind …..? (問原因類)

    6、 After years in the wilderness , the term “ A ” seems posied to make a comeback.(和第一句意思比較像)


    1、 Nothing can be compared with sth 
    2、 A exert a positive impact on ….
    3 、A can an effective way to (help)……(簡單但好用)
    4 、Few things can be more (impressive)than ….that…
    5、 play a pivotal role in …
    6、 benefit from ../ profit from…一般
    7、 promot the development of ..
    8、 A is the cornerstone of …
    9、 remove the barrier for ..
    10 、raise one’s awareness of …常用
    11、 enable sb to do …
    12、 consolidates its status as the ..
    13、 get a clear perspective of ..
    14、 give a boost to ..
    15、 A is an indispensable part of B
    16、 A is irreplaceable tp B
    17 、The signigicant of A to B can never be ingored
    18、 A is the key ingredient to B~~
    19、 A made it possibe for sb to…
    20、 A exert a peculiar fascination on a great many people
    find it impossible to resist the temptation to do ….
    21 、Needless to say / Indeed ,……(可以放在任一句開頭,很好用哦~)
    22、 develop an unshakable faith in …
    23、 have a reputation of ..
    24 、Nothing can catch them for …
    25、 make a contribution to (也可作寫壞處的句子 the city make its own contribution to noise)
    26、build bridges between


    1 、drive up the crime rate ..
    2、 widen the gap between A
    3 、pose a (direct) threat to …
    4 、stifle creativity
    5 、diminish individual’s leisure time…
    6 、spin out of control
    7、 cause(creat) tension and conflicts between…
    8、 exert(have) detrimental/negative/adverse influence(impact)upon/on
    9、 is markly incompatible with…與。。不協調
    10 、be afflicted with …
    11、 deprive one of sth
    12、 sth is the root cause of …
    13、 be saturated with sth
    14 、at the expense of ….
    15、 be confronted with sth
    16、 run contrary to …
    17 、erode the national identity
    18、 pose a dilemma for
    19、 is an vicious circle
    20、 hamper (scientific) progress
    21、 there is a yawning gap between
    22 、pose a devastating problem
    23、 the reputation is ruined
    24、 A is a complete failure
    25、 Things can go wrong on a big scale
    26 、sth is always faced with a difficult task /problem
    27、 It is impossible to
    28、 have (little) difficulties in doing
    29、pay the price for (fame)
    30、 (pollution) is the price we pay for( overpopulated ,over industrialized planet )
    31、 people seem to fail to take into account the fact that ….好句!!
    32、 lead to some unfavorable results
    33、 sacrifice ….for …
    34 、There is a major concern over t he world about ….
    35、 give rise to a bunch of familiar questions
    36、This is compounded by the fact that …
    37 、the problem of ( information overloaded ) exacerbated by (the growth …)
    38 、The problem , however , is complicated by the existence of dozens of ..and by the fact that…..


    1、Evidence suggests that a key step is to develop a policy on ….,saying clearly (that..).

    2、Other policies (such as 。) can be taken to back up the policy .

    3、 One helpful step is to … ,Another possibility is to improve …. , so that ….

    4 、It should be an addtion to the policy work ,not a substitute.

    5、 The more effort put in and wider (the whole school) involvement ,the substantial the results are likely to be. 



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